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1. PostDoc Fellow: "Numerical simulation of an oxide-metal model system" (Aix-Marseille Université, France)
The candidate should have a solid expertise in fortran development and in Volume of Fluid Techniques. An experience in numerical modeling of multiphase systems and capillary phenomena would be appreciated. The candidate should be able to actively contribute to the understanding of model limitations, algorithms
validation and critical analysis of numerical outputs. An experience in program parallelization would also be appreciated.
Starting date: before end of 2015
Contact person: Mickaël ANTONI,
For more details and how to apply, see the proposal.
2. Research Fellow: "Flow of Gas-Liquid Foams in Narrow Complex Geometries" (University of Birmingham, UK)
Applications are invited for a post to carry out experimental and theoretical work in the field of gas-liquid foams. This project is part of an EPSRC-funded collaboration with the Universities of Cambridge and Aberystwyth.
Closing date for receipt of applications: 5 October 2015
Contact person: Mostafa Barigou,
For more details and how to apply, see the proposal.
3. Research Associate: "Flow of Gas-Liquid Foams in Narrow Complex Geometries" (Aberystwyth University, UK)
The successful applicant will develop bubble-scale models to predict the rheological response of aqueous and polymeric foams in situations where the shape of the boundary has a strong effect on the flow. The post is for a fixed term of up to 3 years, and is available from 1st February 2016. Prospective applicants are welcome to discuss the post with me informally.
Closing date for receipt of applications: 8 October 2015
Contact person: Simon Cox,
For more details and how to apply, see the proposal on